How durable is Cimstone?

The kitchen worktop is one of the most exploited surfaces in our home. On top of it, we place the heavy shopping bags that often contain bottles and jars. We put pots and pans on the counter, sometimes hot. We also prepare most of our food on the counter. Another room we use very often…

The kitchen – the heart of every home!

Кухнята – сърцето на всеки дом! В тази статия ние от “ARCommerce” ще ви представим най-важната, според нас, част от уютния дом. Това е кухнята. Ако ви е интересно как може да превърнете вашата кухня в място, от което няма да искате да си тръгнете останете докрай. Why is the kitchen one of the most…

What kitchen countertop should I choose?

The kitchen is undoubtedly one of the most used rooms in the home! It is highly exploited and subjected to aggressive treatment by housewives. From hot pots, to knives, food staining products and more. Kitchen worktops need to be both durable and easy to maintain, as well as aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, choosing the right countertop…

Applications of Cimstone Technical Stone

When we talk about applications of engineered stone, the first thing that comes to mind is the kitchen countertop. Perhaps because in recent times, with the boom in new housing construction, this is the preferred material for kitchens in private homes – be it houses or apartments. And not in vain – the qualities and…

Çimstone Technical Quartz Stone Cladding

When we are relying on more than just a beautiful look for the interior or exterior of our new project, the idea of a technical quartz stone cladding completely covers our ideas of high quality, style, aesthetics, environmental friendliness and hygiene at the same time. “Proven to be one of the most preferred solutions for…